OMIGOSH, it's been, like, forever since I actually posted something, but, whatever. Welcome to 2015, peoples! Also, holy cupcakes, RUNE FACTORY FOUR! Like, no joke! it is ... SO COOL! In fact, you're probably going to get a bunch of Rune Factory Fanart from me in the coming weeks (if school doesn't monopolize my time). Okay, so, for my review:
Why? Because there's SO MUCH of it. So much to do, so much depth, such great characters, great art, efficient controls (once you figure them out), and more. It's like--think of every great Nintendo title you've ever played. Plus the best farming Sims of our generation. Plus a bunch of other stuff. That's Rune Factory.
Now, don't get overly excited. This game runs on a very unique system, and plays a lot like Harvest Moon (it's by the same company), and it actually requires a lot of thought and patience if you want to get the most out of it. Within the game you can operate a farm, run errands for villagers, become a master chef/weapon and armor forger, date other villagers, befriend wild monsters, complete the main three story arcs of the game, kick evil's butt, start a family, fish, mine, and pretty much become a master jack-of-all-trades prince/princess. Yeah. There's so much to do, it's mind-boggling.
The game is set in a sort of medieval town of Selphia, which has a pretty interesting blend of Eastern and Western characteristics that I found quite appealing. Think Elves and Dwarves and Dragons. If you choose to play as a girl, your character is Frey (you can change her name), and if you're playing as a guy, your character is Lest (name also changeable).
Pretty much Frey/Lest is an amnesiac who fell from an airship onto a Dragon's head. And the Dragon, Ventuswill, declared them acting Pince/Princess of Selphia because of their powers as an Earthmate (or a magical person who can use "runes", and is good at farming...). I'll stop with the story there, but suffice to say, the story gets super-awesome. Like. SUPER. Awesome. Unfortunately, it was so awesome I spent all this morning activating the third story arc. and now I need to do chemistry. See ya!
Firefly, out!