Saturday, May 9, 2015

pokemon xy fun with SCIENCE!

I was really bored recently... so I decided to watch Pokemon X and Y on youtube!  I didn't expect it to be all that fantastic, but I've been feeling some serious nostalgia about the game series recently, and I really enjoyed going over the story, especially with the differences between the show and game.  I was surprised to realize that the storyline for the video game is actually way better than the anime storyline... but I also really admired how effective the transition between the two was.
The characters for the XY anime were also really likable!  In past seasons, Ash seemed like this dumb kid that always won because he...tried hard, and, uh, believed in himself, and, um, used the same tactic over and over again, but shouted louder...?  In X and Y, the show actually seems to poke fun at his recklessness and absent-mindedness.  Plus, the side-characters like Bonnie and Clemont are really fun, too.  I love the whole "SCIENCE!" gag, and Bonnie is pretty cute.  Serena's not bad, either.  I mean, maybe she's a little bit of a girly-girl, but at least the show is consistent about that fact.  And (unlike some folks) I liked that they gave her a background, and that she had met Ash before her adventure.  I do kinda wish they had more of an overarching plot, though.
Still, of all the characters, Clemont's totally my favorite.  I mean, he's got SCIENCE on his side.  I love how every time he comes up with an invention, Ash's eyes go all kawaii, and he's all like "wow!  Science is amazing!" ...until it blows up and everyone's hair turns into an afro.  Seriously.  How do you beat that?

"FOR SCIENCE!" *destroys Teams Rocket's device*

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